5.2. Project StructureΒΆ

- admin
    - config.php
    - panel.php
- ajax
    - tpps_ajax.php
- css
    - tpps.css
- forms
    - build
        - front.php
        - page_1.php
        - page_1_ajax.php
        - page_1_helper.php
        - page_2.php
        - page_2_ajax.php
        - page_2_helper.php
        - page_3.php
        - page_3_ajax.php
        - page_3_helper.php
        - page_4.php
        - page_4_ajax.php
        - page_4_helper.php
        - summary.php
    - validate
        - page_1.php
        - page_2.php
        - page_3.php
        - page_4.php
    - submit
        - submit_all.php
- includes
    - accession_coordinates.inc
    - compare_files.inc
    - completed_display.inc
    - create_record.inc
    - cron.inc
    - file_parsing.inc
    - flatten.inc
    - get_env_data.inc
    - init_project.inc
    - manage_doi.inc
    - parse_xlsx.inc
    - save_file_columns.inc
    - standard_coord.inc
    - status_bar.inc
    - submissions.inc
    - submit_email.inc
    - tab_create.inc
    - table_display.inc
    - validate_columns.inc
    - zenodo.inc
- js
    - tpps.js
- tests
    - bootstrap.php
    - DataFactory.php
    - example.env
    - ProjectInitTest.php
- tpps.info
- tpps.module
- tpps.install
- composer.json
- composer.lock
- phpunit.xml

The admin/ folder contains code that build the forms to manage TPPS settings and TPPS submissions. The ajax/ folder contains code for ajax callback functions that need to be accessible to any part of the TPPS module. The css/ folder contains stylesheets for TPPS, and the js/ folder contains JavaScript that needs to be accessible to any part of the TPPS module. The forms/ folder contains code for functions that build, validate, and submit the main TPPS form. The includes/ folder contains code for helper functions that are used throughout the TPPS module. The tests/ module contains code for unit tests that are run automatically by TravisCI every time the code is pushed. The TPPS project on TravisCI can be found at this link.