3.4. Publication and Species Interface

The first set of fields in TPPS is the publication and species interface, where users upload data about their publication and up to 5 studied species. The form fields and their properties are as follows:

  • User Info: fieldset

    • Primary Author: textfield - auto-populates with the name registered to their Tripal account. If the primary author is changed, autocomplete options are provided from the chado.contact table.
    • Organization: textfield - auto-populates with the organization registered to their Tripal account. If the organization is changed, autocomplete options are provided from the chado.contact table.
  • Publication: fieldset

    • Secondary Authors: fieldset

      • Secondary Author x: textfield - autocomplete options from the chado.contact table
      • >30 Secondary Authors: checkbox
      • Secondary Authors file: managed_file - spreadsheet of secondary authors. This field is only visible if the ‘>30 Secondary Authors’ checkbox is checked.
    • Publication status: select - options ‘In Preparation or Submitted’, ‘In press’, and ‘Published’

    • Publication Year: select - options ‘1990’ to ‘2018’

    • Publication Title: textfield

    • Publication Abstract: textarea

    • Publication Journal: textfield - autocomplete options from chado.pub table

  • Plant Species: fieldset

    • Species x: textfield - autocomplete options from the chado.organism table
    • Up to 5 different species are allowed per submission